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Home - Courtier Insurance Broker
  • Property

    • Adequate protection of your business and home, depending on your needs. Security for the property and your pet...

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  • Cars

    • Everything you need for the smooth driving of your car - mandatory civil liability, motor hull, car assistance...

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  • Helath

    • Short-term and long-term insurances for protection, improvement and restoration of your health condition...

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  • Others

    • Accidents, financial risks, professional insurance, event insurance, etc...

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About us

  • 20 years of experience in insurance.
  • Insurance, Insurance, Banking products, Leasing, Guarantees, Replacement of bank guarantee with insurance.
  • We have a professional attitude to the requirements and needs of our individual and corporate clients.
  • We approach every detail responsibly, creating the most suitable product for you.
  • Together we create your product.


Insured properties


Insured cars


Insured events


Other insurance

Meet out team

More than 20 years of experience in insurance

What is liability insurance?

Motor third party liability insurance covers the liability of owners and drivers of motor vehicles for bodily injuries caused by their fault and / or death and / or material damage to third parties.

What to do in case of damage?

If you do not have Casco insurance and you are a participant in an accident for which you are not guilty, be sure to gather information about the Civil Liability Insurer of the guilty driver to notify him and file a claim for compensation. In case of a traffic accident, it is extremely important to IMMEDIATELY notify the Traffic Police on tel. 166 or tel. 112 and ask them to come to the scene. Traffic police are obliged to visit the scene of the accident and draw up a report if there are injured people, if there is material damage and the vehicle can not move on its own, if one of the vehicles - participant has a foreign registration or carries dangerous goods, or an accident is caused a traffic jam, as well as if there is a suspicion that a participant in the accident is under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substance or does not have the necessary rights to drive a motor vehicle.

How to choose a company?

When choosing a company, take into account both the price and whether this is the insurer with whom you will make your motor hull insurance. Often the companies have preferential terms for their clients, when concluding more than one type of insurance.

What should I do if I refuse damage?

Not always, even when you have followed all the advice and instructions, the insurer agrees to indemnify you or pay the full amount of your claim. The reasons for this can be many and varied, but the way to achieve a positive result is to contact us as your insurance broker or to lawyers who are specialists in the field of insurance law.

Third-party liability insurance

Choose the best offer for you!

Make your choice from all stable insurance companies in Bulgaria. Fill in the data in the inquiry form and we will offer you a choice of all the best insurers in Bulgaria!



Кортиер ЕООД обработва Вашите лични данни при спазване на високи стандарти за осигуряване поверителността, сигурността и защитата им. За нас е особено важно да осигурим събирането и обработването на Вашите лични данни да става в пълно съответствие с изискванията на българското и европейското законодателство.

Ако маркирате бутона „Разбрах” Вие се съгласявате, да предоставите личните си данни доброволно, запознати сте с правата си по ЗЗЛД и РЕГЛАМЕНТ (ЕС) 2016/679 НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯ ПАРЛАМЕНТ И НА СЪВЕТА от 27 април 2016 година-GDPR и давате своето съгласие личните Ви данни да бъдат събирани, обработвани, съхранявани и предавани на трети лица за цели, които сме описали детайлно в Политика за поверителност и за бисквитките.


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